Sunday, March 16, 2008

Winger RULES!!!

No seriously.
They do! I found out about a month ago that one of my favorite bands (once again, seriously) was coming to San Juan Capistrano. Holy crap! Why San Juan? Turns out there is this little dive right down the street from O Entertainment where a lot of bands come to play.

I was pretty stoked and dragged a few of my friends from work. Two were about my age and wanted to experience the joys of the eighties again and the other friend was a 20 year old girl...She got her first taste of Winger at about the same age I did - made me feel reeeeeeeealy old.

Anyway, we went a little late so we didn't have to sit through the opening acts. We're walking in when I ran into Rod Morgenstein, the drummer. He was pretty cool and I got to shake his hand. Yeah yeah..I'm a fan boy.

The second opening act wasn't quite finished when we arrived. They were exactly what I was expecting. Some guys that may have looked like rockers when they were like 20 or so; but now they are in their mid to late 40's and were trying to look in their 20's. The spandex pants UNDER the beer belly was very amusing to our lady friends. The singer had a tight curled hairdo but the back was mullet city! Business in the front, party in the back. The guitarist looked like he may have had a mane at one time, but now it was thinning and looked bad. Ah, what did I expect.

So on to the main event. The boys came out and definitely rocked. My friends were kinda digging it - saying they sounded really good. Kyle, the other dude with us was having a chuckle with the lyrics but I didn't care. I was singing every song - yep, like I said - Fan boy. Look, we all have things in our life that we love but are a little embarrassed by. Well, Winger is that for me. I can't help it but totally dig the music. I think Kip (Yep, that's his name) is actually a very good singer (the other three in my party were impressed by his voice) and Reb Beach is one hell of a shredder.

That was by far the coolest thing of the show. He friggin rocked! I mean, this dude makes the guitar do things, I didn't think possible. Fingers ablaze, he makes this crazy noise wail out of the 6 strings. The songs sounded great and his solo (ala the 80's once again) was spectacular. Damn that dude is fast. When he starts tapping on the fretboard, he uses his index AND middle finger on his right hand. Freakin nuts!

So they played all of the favorites from all of their albums (yes, there is more than one album - for all you haters out there). The funniest part was when they played their biggest hit, Seventeen. This was a hit in 1990 and is kinda like their calling card. I saw them in 2002 and Kip started the song saying that he's a little creeped out by still singing this song. Well, tonight they changed up one of the lines of the chorus to - sing with me - She's only 35! See, the song came out in 1990 and now it is 2008 so....well, you can do the math on your own.

But that's not all! Oh no my fellow mullet wearing fan. We left the place and I was truly content. I had a relatively rough week at work while trying to figure out how we are going to pay for our new house so I needed Winger to soothe the ails. So, we're walking out of the show going back to our car when the door opens and out walks Reb Beach. I yelled out to him with arm in the air and gave him a firm handshake. Now I don't have a man crush or anything like that but I look up to this dude. Like I said earlier, he seriously shreds on the guitar. I had to shake his hand and tell him that. He was a very genuinely nice dude. The others in my party also shook his hand and we chatted just for a second. It was a great topper to a pretty fun night.

Next up? Whitesnake!

just kidding.


Blogger Tim League said...

Ok Gasman... time to give me a shout. I've been asked to track you down. There's a 20 year anniversary happening at dear old St. C. High this year. You are old. Email me


2:44 AM  

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