Wednesday, April 09, 2008

Kids' Choice Awards part dos

So the day finally came and after scoring 4 tix - me, Summer and the O'briens (Hannah and Sean) made the trek up to LA for the day. The trip wasn't too bad; a little traffic but about normal for LA. Sean got to experience the infamous gasman patience. Wears very thin when dealing with slow drivers.

We got to UCLA relatively early and decided to walk around a bit. See, a few years back, we went to the KCAs (Kids' Choice Awards - at least that's what the hip 9 year olds call it) a little early. Make that a LOT early. Like when the doors opened. We waited nearly 2 hours before the show started and the girls were spent. They couldn't really enjoy the show because they were already anxious to leave. I wasn't about to make that mistake again this year.

So we walked around Westwood for a bit and after realizing how excited Sum and Hannah were, Sean and I decided to take the edge off and head to a pizza joint for a beer. After nearly having a beer spilled ON me, we headed off to the show.

Tons of kids from all ages, really. Lots of under 10s and then surprisingly a bunch of tweeners all decked out. Was a bit odd for me to see and then also a bit depressing to know that Sum and Ree aren't too far from that stage. Can't they stay young forever??

Inside we saw tons of celebs. A lot that I knew and a lot more that I didn't. Needless to say though, we had choice (get it - choice) seats. They were pretty close to the stage and right by where all the stars were sitting. A preggo Jessica Alba was next to Jennifer Love Hewitt who was ahead of Hayden Panitierre from Heroes. That was the corner to be in.

The biggest question from me was, who the hell are the Jonas Brothers and why was everyone and I mean everyone (including Sean) screaming like 8 year old girls? Oh wait, maybe it's because they are the hottest group FOR 8 year old girls. You would think the Beatles were walking around Pauley Pavilion or something. Everytime they would move, a shriek was heard throughout the building.

Oh and one other thing I found interesting. I just happened to look at tix prices for the soldout show and saw that a pair in the nosebleeds were going for about $600 each - holy cow! I couldn't believe it until I realized - Oooooh. Miley Cyrus was going to be there.

I know very little about Miley and her alter ego Hannah Montana but the midgets do. I couldn't believe the hype surrounding this singer so I was definitely interested in seeing what's doing. Sure enough, she can perform. The crowd was going crazy and she lived up to the hype. Now, I'm not going to pull a Matthew and buy all of her CD's or anything (I'll just borrow them from Reece) -(I KID I KID!!) but it was entertaining.

Overall, it was a pretty good show. Jack Black was great, as usual. Harrison Ford was there getting slimed,Janet Jackson looked pretty fine and Cameron Diaz has a set of legs that wouldn't stop.

It was also fun to see my buddy Jeff Garcia who plays Pip on Back at the Barnyard and Sheen on Jimmy Neutron and soon another show that I can't say anything about but it rhymes with Blanet Treen...

Hopefully more on that VERY SOON!!!


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