Monday, August 21, 2006

Packed and ready to roll

Everything is over but the crying. We had a little get together last night at the Northern's household. We would have done it at our house except it's completely empty!

The house goes on the market officially today even though we had some showings saturday - when we were moving out!

Anyway, it's off to Albuquerque bright and early this morning then Phoenix then Orange County.

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Go West my son!

Going back to Cali...Cali...Cali...

San Diego, California. Well, Carlsbad, exactly. I got a job at O Entertainment as Supervising Director on the Barnyard Series. I'll be directing television shows again! wooohoooo! Now I can actually get paid to work again.

My family and I can't be more excited. We found a very cool house in Carlsbad about a mile and a half from the beach. It was buit in the '70's and has a great funky design to it. Kinda Brady bunch without the wood panelling. It has all the essentials - huge back yard, giant trees, very large balcony off the master and most importantly a wet bar! Hear that Grevera?!

It has tons of space for my brewing as well. I think I may do a batch in a week or two to get ready for Summer's birthday party. Nothing brings more new friends to a party than homemade beer.

Heather got a job too! Seems like nurses are always needed around these parts. We'll be moving in less than a week to get the girls in school. Nothing like doing things fast.

Monday, August 14, 2006


We all knew it was going to happen but didn't want to believe it. Well today it finally happened. DNA told the remaining 18 or so employees that today was their two weeks notice. I guess DNA didn't take into account that everyone was already making half pay so essentially everyone got a whole week notice.

Hey thanks for all of your hard work and sticking it out now get the hell out.

There are a lot of words I can say here but I choose to only say the good things I remember about DNA:

1 - The people. No doubt some of the best folks to work with in the biz. Not too much egos and a ton of work ethic. That will never be duplicated. It just won't.

I didn't want to name individuals but there are a few that really meant a lot to me.
Ben Gilberg - I loved him, I hated him. Dude really helped get our stuff done. I always wanted things right now and Ben never accomodated me but you know what? Things worked great. If you don't believe me, ask anyone that worked on the series and feature. If they say anything contrary, they are lying.

Rena Archer - my work wife. Girl put me in my place and made sure things got done. Working with Rena allowed us to play because she wouldn't let us play. That might not make sense but what she did was keep our focus on the job and let us play within the job. All I can say is she has mad Jedi skills (whatever a Jedi is...)

Joe Elwood - Best damn editor on the west side of Irving between beltline and MacArthur on weekdays that start with the letter M. Joe always made me look good and always let me take the credit for his ideas if he ever had them.

I can go all down the list from Tom G, Deanna, Ian, Dave S, Ann, Troy, Dave B, Rod, Jason, Paul C, Greg, Ellyn, Joanna, John C and Angie P/G. Thanks for all. I can't wait to hook up again.

2 - Creative freedom. I got to play around so much directing the television series that it rarely felt like "work." I would wake up every day and be surprised that I got paid for what I did. I was also lucky enough to savor that feeling because I knew it doesn't happen that long in this business.

3 - Keith Alcorn. Can't say enough about the guy. Without a doubt, I had the most fun at DNA being around him. Everything from writing studpid jokes and funny stories to "disagreeing" about Barry's shots. My writing will no doubt suffer from not having him fill in where I write, "insert joke here". I wish him the best.

anyway. Spout off. And don't cry for me, Brazil or any other south american countries. I will land on my feet - in a barnyard near you.

Sunday, August 13, 2006

The world as we know it has ended!

Mike is now officially blogging...

I know. I know. I can't believe it myself. But with what has happened to us the last few days and not being able to keep up with everyone has made things a bit tough. I feel like I am saying the same story over and over.

Please push play....

Seeing all of my friends with blogs and watching what happens in their days is pretty cool. So enter the Gasaways...

Hey if Tom and Matthew can do it...